0417 097 6151 Acacia Road, Dwellingup, WA 6213

Quality jarrah from our timber mill in WA

Posted on January 16, 2015 Timber mill WA

Jarrah timber is one of the most sought-after premium quality hardwoods, for use in both commercial and residential projects all over the world. Native to Australia and most specifically the southwest of Western Australia, it is one of the most common eucalyptus trees in the area. The tree and wood are more commonly known by their Aboriginal name ‘jarrah’, although its botanical name is Eucalyptus marginata.

The jarrah tree is massive, growing up to 40 metres in height and up to three metres in diameter. Their usual and extremely deep root system makes them particularly resistant to extended periods of dry weather and drought. Another unusual feature of the jarrah tree is the lignotuber. The lignotuber is an underground swelling that is able to store carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are utilised after a fire, making it possible for a jarrah tree to grow back where it has been burnt.

The jarrah tree is used mostly for timber and the wood makes very strong and durable furniture for both indoor and outdoor use. It is also renowned for its stunning beauty and its colours range from deep reddish-browns to soft pale yellows and even pinks. Jarrah is also the timber of choice for wood turners. The vibrant, rich colours and the swirls within the grain provide a stunning end product.

If you are looking for jarrah of exceptional quality, look to the timber mill WA furniture and cabinet makers rely on – WA Timber Products.